
Sources of happiness
Definition of happiness.
Types and Various forms of Happiness
Sources of happiness.
Signs of Happiness.
Ladder of Happiness
Challenges of finding Happiness
How to cultivate and be a Happier Person.
Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment.
Another definition of happiness comes from the ancient philosopher Aristotle, who suggested that happiness is the one human desire, and all other human desires exist as a way to obtain happiness. Happiness is something that people seek to find, yet it vary from one person to the next. Happiness has many different definitions, it is often described as positive emotions and life satisfaction. Greek philosopher Aristotle made a distinction between two different kinds of happiness: hedonia and eudaimonia. Hedonia: It is most often associated with doing what feels good, self-care, fulfilling desires, that create feeling of satisfaction. This relates to how satisfied you feel with your relationships, work, and achievements.
Types of happiness
Eudaimonia: This type of happiness is derived from seeking life meaning. Therefore eudaimonia is a feeling of well-being, value, and purpose. It is associated more with fulfilling responsibilities, investing in long-term goals or concern for the welfare of other people. It is living up to personal ideals.
. Various forms of happiness
Joy  It comes from losing yourself in the present moment and appreciate what you have. The easiest way to find joy is to engage in activities you know. Excitement It is a feeling when you get a new job that can motivate you to work harder, a new relationship can motivate you to put more effort to work through difficulties. Excitement can last longer than joy. Gratitude  It is a feeling of loving or kindness created when we appreciate people. It can disappear if you don't actively focus on it. Pride can be a negative thing but feelings of pride in your accomplishments can be a form of happiness to indulge in. It is good to take pride in your work and your family, your home and yourself. Optimism. It is a feeling created by focusing on possibilities when we faced with disappointment. Contentment. It is a feeling of enjoyment with what you have. Love. It is an interchangeable word with happiness. love is an infinite source of happiness.
Sources of happiness
Research shows that there are 4 basic sources of happiness: Being healthy, Being engaged, Being connected to others, and Having a relationship with a Higher Power. These 4 sources of our happiness can be summarized as health, work, connections and God.
Signs of happiness
Some common key signs of happiness include:
Feeling like you are living the life you wanted.
Going with life and willing to take life as it comes.
Enjoying positive, healthy relationships with other people. Feeling that you have accomplished what you want in life. Being open to new ideas and experiences. Practice self-care and treating yourself with kindness and compassion Feeling that you are living meaningful and purposeful life. Wanting to share your happiness and joy with others
Challenges of finding happiness
There are times we face some challenges in the pursuit of life satisfaction.
These are: Valuing the Wrong Things It means overvaluing things such as money, status, or material possessions, Thinking of Happiness as an Endpoint. Happiness is a constant pursuit that requires continual nurturing and sustainability. How to cultivate and be a happy person


Positive Mindset
What is positive mindset or attitude.
Fixed versus Growth mindset
Characteristics and Traits of a Positive Mindset
Positive attitudes in action
Outcomes of a Positive Attitude.
Keep and Develop a Positive Mindset in Life
“Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and expects positive results.” definition from Remez Sasson “positive thinking actually means approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. it involves trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.” positive mindset as the tendency to focus on the bright side, expect positive results, and approach challenges with a positive outlook.
Fixed mindset
Belief skills and intelligence are natural. See efforts as negative thing and failure as shameful act. They try to avoid challenges and get discouraged when they made mistakes. They ignore useful criticism and see feedback as defensive . They belief they are not in control of their abilities.
Positive mindset
They belief they have the capacity to learn and grow their abilities and skills. They focus or put effort on the process of getting better. They are more likely to embrace challenges. They see mistakes as learning opportunities and ways to improve. They appreciate feedback and use it. See feedback as constructive.
Characteristics related to positive mind
Characteristics associated with a positive mindset, including:- Optimism: a willingness to make an effort and take a chance instead of assuming your efforts won’t pay off. Acceptance: acknowledging that things don’t always turn out how you want them to, but learning from your mistakes. Resilience: bouncing back from adversity, disappointment, and failure instead of giving up. Gratitude: actively, continuously appreciating the good things in your life . Consciousness/Mindfulness: dedicating the mind to conscious awareness and enhancing the ability to focus. Integrity: the trait of being honorable, righteous, and straightforward, instead of deceitful and self-serving (Power of Positivity,). They belief some people are naturally good and others are not.
Positive mindset
They belief they have the capacity to learn and grow their abilities and skills. They focus or put effort on the process of getting better. They are more likely to embrace challenges. They see mistakes as learning opportunities and ways to improve. They appreciate feedback and use it. See feedback as constructive. Characteristics associated with a positive mindset, including:- Optimism: a willingness to make an effort and take a chance instead of assuming your efforts won’t pay off. Acceptance: acknowledging that things don’t always turn out how you want them to, but learning from your mistakes. Resilience: bouncing back from adversity, disappointment, and failure instead of giving up. Gratitude: actively, continuously appreciating the good things in your life . Consciousness/Mindfulness: dedicating the mind to conscious awareness and enhancing the ability to focus. Integrity: the trait of being honorable, righteous, and straightforward, instead of deceitful and self-serving (Power of Positivity,).
Positive Attitude in action
Getting what you get, and not pitching a fit. Enjoying the unexpected, even when it’s not what you wanted originally. Motivating those around you with a positive word. Using the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation. Being friendly to those you don’t know. It’s getting back up when you fall down. (No matter how many times you fall down.) Being a source of energy that lifts those around you. Understanding that relationships are more important than material things. Being happy even when you have little. Having a good time even when you are losing. Being happy for someone else’s success. Having a positive future vision, no matter how bad your current circumstances. Smiling. Paying a compliment, even to a total stranger. Tell someone you know that they did a great job. (And mean it.) Making someone’s day. (Not just a child’s… adult’s like to have their day be special, too!) It’s not complaining no matter how unfair things appear to be. (It is a waste of time… instead, do something!) Not letting other people’s negativity bring you down. Giving more than you expect to get in return. Being true to yourself… always
. Outcomes of a Positive Attitude
Better ability to cope with stress. Reduce rates of depression and levels of distress. Help you build coping skills to keep you afloat during challenging times . Allow you to sharpen your focus on dangers, threats, and vulnerabilities. Improve your cardiovascular health. Start the day with positive affirmations (scroll down to see some example affirmations). Focus on the good things, however small they are. Find humor in bad situations. Turn failures into lessons—and learn from them! Transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Focus on the present instead of getting mired in the past or losing your way in the future. Find positive friends, mentors, and co-workers to support and encourage you (2018). It is looking adversity in the eye… and laughing. Getting what you get, and not pitching a fit. Enjoying the unexpected, even when it’s not what you wanted originally. Motivating those around you with a positive word. Using the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation. Being friendly to those you don’t know.
Develop a more positive mindset
Keep a gratitude journal. Reframe your challenges as opportunities for growth. Get good at being rejected—it happens to everyone! Use positive words to describe your life. Replace have with get (e.g., I have to go to work I get to go to work). Don’t let yourself get dragged down into other people’s complaints. Breathe—consciously, purposefully, and mindfully. Notice the righteous and good in times of tragedy and violence. Have solutions ready when you point out problems. Make someone else smile. Listen to your favorite music. Express your thankfulness and gratitude for all the good things in your life.
Appreciate them, and write them down to help you remember. Remember to breathe. Breathe deeply, slowly, and mindfully to transport your mind to a positive, calm place. Don’t live according to a label—labels come from others, not from yourself, Pay attention to your diet, and ensure that you eat healthy food .  Breathe mindfully and deeply. Use positive words and avoid phrases like “I can’t” and “I won’t.” Embrace change—it’s happening whether we want it to or not, Volunteer and commit your time and efforts to helping others. Try the “Success of the Day” activity, in which each family member is encouraged Take control of the things you can, and accept the things you can’t. Choose an Act of Kindness to help your kids understand the impact a simple kindness can have. Remind yourself “Never a failure, always a lesson;”
Thank you for full attention

Developing good habits Definition of habit Habit:- is an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary. Habit is a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance. The word habit most often refers to a usual way of behaving or a tendency that someone has settled into,. The things we do regularly contribute to the person we are and the goals we achieve. That's why learning how to build good habits (and break bad habits) is an essential life skill that has wide-spread benefits. Toxic habits 1.Wake up late 2. Stay in bed even after waking up. 3. Checking social media first thing in the morning. 4. Keeping bed unmade. 5. Not opening windows and get natural light and fresh air. 6. Not having a productive morning routine. 7. Having coffee as your first drink. 8. Not sitting in silence. 9. Not being grateful and complaining. 10. Not moving Use the power of silence Spending time in silence has been found to have positive effects on the body in terms of reducing blood pressure, boosting the immune system, reducing blood cortisol, promoting hormone regulation and prevention of arterial plaque formation. Psychological benefits of silence can include enhanced creativity, focus, self control, self awareness, perspective and spirituality. Silence can be used both positively and negatively in communication, and thus can influence our relationships. Learning to use the power of silence has wonderful potential to improve our lives. It is clear that silence has power. Like any power it can be used to hurt or to heal . . Read daily Regular reading and writing in late life reduced the rate of memory decline by 32%. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People 1. Be proactive This habit involves taking action and initiative to improve your situation. Don't sit and wait for things to happen. Instead, seek to solve problems and make things happen. 2. Begin with the end in mind This habit involves thinking before acting. More specially, think about what you want in the future—your long-term goals 3. First things first This habit is all about focusing efforts on what is important. 4. Think win-win This habit is all about looking for mutually beneficial solutions and situations. 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood This habit is about using empathy to better understand others. This creates an atmosphere of mutual caring and better problem-solving.  6. Synergize This habit involves combining the strengths of different people so that a team can be stronger than any one person could be alone. 7. Sharpen the saw (keep growing) This habit is about work-life balance, energy, and health. We can not focus on our work or goals all the time. Self-renewal is essential for optimal functioning.